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World Wrestling Society

The International fed is in Season 2. It is run by Trevor Goodnight and Tommy Mcgee!
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----------- Wednesday Night Antics (minor) airs Wednesdays at 23:55 TWG server time. Sunday Night Evolution (major) airs Sundays at 23:55 TWG server time. -----------
Path For Glory (WWS's second PPV) airs Sunday: December 5, 2010 at 23:55 TWG server time.


 Fyrst Ayd wants the LHC

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Fyrst Ayd
FCW Talent
FCW Talent
Fyrst Ayd

Posts : 51
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2010-09-20
Age : 34

Fyrst Ayd wants the LHC Empty
PostSubject: Fyrst Ayd wants the LHC   Fyrst Ayd wants the LHC I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 16, 2010 9:31 am

Lightning stroke the ring and the lights turned to red and orange. Fyrst Ayd music hits and he makes his way down to the ring wearing a orange shirt that says WWS and black pants. He also has a red and black bandana on. He hops over the top rope,his music stops,and he begins to speak

Fyrst Ayd:You no what irritates me when im back there in my locker room. It's that how me nor Kevin has a title around our waist yet,and with that being said I think I deserve a title shot.

Crowd cheers

Fyrst Ayd:Now I no I haven't been winning my matches lately,but im still the dominent in my class,if not the whole WNA. I want to compete for the Light Heavyweight Championship. Besides im sure the fans want to see me win the title tonight and bring it home to the Dark Lords. So what do you say Tommy...You gonna give me and the fans what we want.

Fyrst Ayd leans on the ropes and waits for Tommy to come out.
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Fyrst Ayd wants the LHC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fyrst Ayd wants the LHC   Fyrst Ayd wants the LHC I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 16, 2010 12:09 pm

Fyrst Ayd begins to raise the microphone towards his mouth before Christiano Renegade's theme music cuts him off completely, shocking facial expressions are painted on peoples faces throughout the arena. Ayd smiling devishly to himself, before realising who it really was. In a few moments of instrumental suspense of the song, Renegade steps out through the curtains, silencing the crowd with his palm open in the air, the other hand holding a microphone towards his mouth. Stopping in the middle of the stage, His theme music drones out, as he commences his interupting statement.

Christiano Renegade: Why hello there Ayd! Fancy seeing you out here demanding a championship match. Well, To be honest I thought you were pulling everyones leg? But it seems your facial expressions are as serious as they CAN get.

Renegade begins briskly strolling down the ramp, occassionally leaning it to slap fans hands in the front sides of the barracades. Before approaching the apron, Ayd stands back to the opposite end. Renegade circulates around the post, entering in through the sides, stancing himself in the corner.

Christiano Renegade: Theres no real reason you should deserve a championship opportunity. Just because you self proclaim yourself to be dominant. Now, I have no problem taking this to the fans. After all, were a democratic nation. BUT, there is such thing as EARNING these opportunities. I want a title as well, But you dont see me prancing on down here expecting it to happen because I said so. Do you?

Ayd looks down, remaining silent.

Christiano Renegade: However, I can reccommend you. You are championship material in my mind. I just think you need to make an impact before you go below peoples expectations demanding a match like everyone else would.. Im smart enough not to. Perhaps you may want to invest in paitence. Could go a long way.

Christiano stares at Ayd momentarily, before dropping his Mic.
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Fyrst Ayd
FCW Talent
FCW Talent
Fyrst Ayd

Posts : 51
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2010-09-20
Age : 34

Fyrst Ayd wants the LHC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fyrst Ayd wants the LHC   Fyrst Ayd wants the LHC I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 16, 2010 7:30 pm

Fyrst Ayd:When did your name get changed to Tommy,because I recall it being Christiano. I did't call you down here rookie,this is none of your business. What you should be worrying about is if your so called partner Tommy turns on you in our tag match.

Christiano stands there and think on Fyrst Ayd words.

Fyrst AydNow lets try this again,Tommy get down here and announce the world that I have a title match tonight. No better yet at the paper view. So this way Kevin and I can give you and Christiano that ass wooping and advance our tag record to 2-0.

Fyrst Ayd and Christiano waits for Tommy to come out.
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Fyrst Ayd wants the LHC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fyrst Ayd wants the LHC   Fyrst Ayd wants the LHC I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 17, 2010 11:07 am

Tommy McGee silently steps out, standing on the left side of Christiano Renegade, he is clutching, tightly, a Microphone in his right hand, he lifts it up to his cheek and speaks

Tommy McGee: Fyrst Ayd... How much of a moron are you?

Christiano Renegade throws a cute and cheeky smile on his face while Fyrst Ayd stands in the ring, leaning against some ropes

Tommy McGee: For the past season you have come out here and constantly whined about wanting a Title shot!

Tommy McGee: I ain't T.I, You can't have Whatever You Like!

The crowd begins to laugh, Christiano Renegade bends over to laugh, Fyrst Ayd gets angry and picks up his microphone

Fyrst Ayd: You listen here, McGee! Don't you dare make fun of me!

Tommy McGee: Or what?!

Christiano Renegade: Me and Tommy may be rivals for the WWS LH Championship, but I have got his back...

Tommy McGee: I'd like to say the same.

Christiano Renegade stares and Tommy with a awkward facial

Tommy McGee: Alright, Take this. If you beat us tonight, I will give you a shot at the Vacant, WWS Light Heavyweight Championship!

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PostSubject: Re: Fyrst Ayd wants the LHC   Fyrst Ayd wants the LHC I_icon_minitime

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