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The International fed is in Season 2. It is run by Trevor Goodnight and Tommy Mcgee!
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 Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :)

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PostSubject: Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :)   Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :) I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 25, 2010 10:21 am

Hello children, and welcome to GaZZuM's corner.

Seeing as how the chat box was taken away and RPs should be increasing in frequency (Synikal already has a 2 post-in-a-row RP... which was pretty obvious was gonna start happening again if you ask me) I thought I would bring it upon myself to relieve my boredo- i mean to help you all out with my 5 top tips for tolerable and interesting RPs!

Tip 1 - Describe your actions.

If you imagine in your head that your wrestler is stood on the ring apron then tell us, if he's carrying a steel chair then tell us, if your wrestler is pacing up and down the ring tell us and please, for the love of god, if you're going to insult the entire Planet Earth, but plan on having a magical rope that gets you out of trouble "Revolution style" TELL US!

Tip 2 - Don't repeat yourself, unless it's necessary.

I can't tell you how many RPs I've read where 2 people are having a "heated" conversation and neither wants to end it so they just keep saying the same things over again "I'm going to beat you!", "you're going down at TNT". "No, I'm going to beat you!" etc. it's boring to read, get's VERY tiresome VERY quickly and is as easy to spot as Murdock at a party (he's the one passed out on the couch lol)

Tip 3 - Picture it actually happening

If you think your RP is going on for too long, or wondering if it's suitable of a heel/face, just imagine it being part of Smackdown, Raw or Impact. Think back to the days of The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin, they would cut promos at each other sure, but this wouldn't happen:

*The rock exits the ring and goes backstage*
*Stone Cold stops the rock from exiting the ring*
Stone Cold: Not so fast, I will be the one that beats you Rock
*Stone Cold Exits the ring and goes backstage*
*The Rock stops stone cold from leaving the ring*
The Rock: I will beat you!

Looks daft right? but things along these lines happen quite often, all it is is common sense

Tip 4 - No long paragraphs!

Oftentimes when I see a huge paragraph in an RP i skip it. Examples of this would be (sorry to name names guys but) The Attr-Action generally has loooooooooooong sections of uninterrupted speech.
This kind of harks back to tip 1. Seperate long sections of text with bits of action, Otherwise we just imagine your character standing still and talking for maybe 2 minutes.

If you split up a long paragraph with things like *X starts nodding his head* or *X begins to grin* it really helps the flow for the reader and also makes it easier to imagine what's going on.

Tip 5 - Preview. Preview. Preview.

This right here, this is the biggy. NEVER click submit until you've previewed your RP first. Preview it, read it, change it, re-read it, be critical of it, the works. So many times I see a post with awful grammar and poor sentencing and sigh to myself, here's an example:

William Bergeron is seen walking towards the GYM before his match with Missing Linc. Noelle is spotted runs and trying to get his attention.

Noelle: Hi Honey wait I would like a moment of your time. I just got word from T-Wolf that he would me to interview you.

William.B: I think I can spare a few minutes for my fans.

Small chants could be heard for the crowd, William William William

See what I mean, it's full of tiny mistakes but they add up and, unfortunately, render the RP cringeworthy. Now, I'll post the same thing again but correct the mistakes:

William Bergeron is seen walking towards the GYM before his match with Missing Linc. Noelle is spotted running up, trying to get his attention.

Noelle: Hi Honey, I'd like a moment of your time! I just got word from T-Wolf that he would like me to interview you.

William.B: I think I can spare a few moments for my fans.

Small chants can be heard from the crowd, William William William

See, not only does it sound better but it's easier to read. Previewing takes 2 minutes and is easy. The RP you've just written probably took about 15-20 minutes and was hard. If you've taken the plunge and written an in-depth RP it's common sense to check you haven't F'ed up. I do it all the time, which is why I preview everything before I post it, hell, I'm previewing this right now!

Alright guys, those are my top tips for RPing. Thanks for reading and peace out.

I'd like to add something to it, also:

- When it comes to posting, less is more.

I'm not saying write shorter RP's, I'm saying write less of them. Here's what I mean: You can't be involved in half-a-dozen angles at once. Nobody ever gets on the show that often, and it's a pain in the ass to try and keep that many storylines afloat to a high quality.

There are a lot of times when wrestlers will just appear in the middle or at the end of RP's that have nothing to do with them and just insert themselves into things. This makes thing very complicated and often annoys me to no end.

My suggestion is to do less RP's, but make them a higher quality. Put together a strong idea or group of things you want to do, and write up one or two high quality RP's for the week, and write responses as needed like Gazzum described.

If an RP is left open for someone to come, leave it to just one wrestler, unless there is a specific call out. We don't need fourteen people to answer one open challenge or interview.

Hook up with someone that you can specifically work with. For instance, BK and Albanach have been working together for about a season and a half now. They know they will be fighting each other, and they know they'll be RPing against each other. They can plan together for RP threads, responses and whatnot, and have them all be storyline relevant.

VR Man just did the same thing with me. He had the Hall of Heroes RP completely open and needed someone to finish it with him, so he got a hold of me, let me know what he wanted, and we completed it out with an emerging storyline and somewhere to go with it.

Have a plan, know where you're going, and how you want to get there.

Let me know if I'm off-base here, it's just something that's been bugging me, so I thought I'd put my thoughts in here. I'm always open to discussion!

(Same goes for me. I am a very expierenced rper not to toot my own horn or anything. Just if you guys need help I'm here. I learned from the best (the characters of Chaos In Ring...The top Fed on the list.) My character is apart of the CWA...which is coming back yet again from a little issue we had smh. But anyway if you need help Im here. These tips should be very Helpful though.
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Trevor Goodnight
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Trevor Goodnight

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Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :)   Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :) I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 25, 2010 6:09 pm

Thanks for writing this. Saves me a lot of time. Smile

And you know William Bergeron? He was my previous GM Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :)   Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :) I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 26, 2010 12:53 pm, but he was in the CWA...didnt have the pleasure of working with him was he as a GM?
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Trevor Goodnight
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PostSubject: Re: Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :)   Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :) I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 26, 2010 8:18 pm

Ah, and he was a good GM. Fun to talk to, too. lol, but he was too nice.

I told him to fire the inactive RPers and hire active guys, but he was too nice/loyal to them.
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Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :)   Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :) I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 1:50 am

awww man...I hope that doesnt lead to his downfall...that would suck
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Trevor Goodnight
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Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :)   Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :) I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 1:58 am

Eh well he has a lot of people who keep it alive (Bouncer, Guy, etc.) So he's fine. Plus GPWA has been around for almost two years I think.
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Havoc Maker
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Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :)   Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :) I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 3:12 am

IDK Trevor he might fall with out me and you there
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Trevor Goodnight
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Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :)   Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :) I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 3:15 am

Speed Guy will keep them alive xD.
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Havoc Maker
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Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :)   Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :) I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 3:17 am

LMAO speed gal cant do shit
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GM The Bouncer
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Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :)   Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :) I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 7:36 am


On another note, Speed Gal will become a gm Razz

btw I am just curious. How was Jonny Storm as a GM? Because Will treats him like god and worships him.
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Trevor Goodnight
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PostSubject: Re: Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :)   Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :) I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 10:07 am

I wasn't around when Jonny was. Razz
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GM The Bouncer
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GM The Bouncer

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PostSubject: Re: Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :)   Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :) I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 12:48 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :)   Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :) I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 28, 2010 3:18 am

i dont think J storm was my GM :scratch: ...could be wrong though...and if so well i guess since he didnt leave a good impression he might have sucked balls...or maybe the ppl in his fed did idk :suspect: :lol:
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PostSubject: Re: Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :)   Gazzum's RP tips...from my current fed with my other char :) I_icon_minitime

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