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 Renegade's Riveting Tips.

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PostSubject: Renegade's Riveting Tips.   Renegade's Riveting Tips. I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 11, 2010 12:50 pm

Salutations World Wrestling Society. My name is Christiano Renegade.
Im going to take you through the basic tips.
After hand, things will get more detailed. and complicated. But fear not. you'll catch on quite well.
First off. todays episode covers..


Now, I know it sounds usless. But quite frankly, if you read the amount of effort and quality produced in 80% of our Roleplays these recent days. Its not up to standard to reach continental. Dont take this as an insult. broaden it on, improve upon yourself. Everyone can change their style. Its weither or not you obtain the commitment to do so. In saying that, let us begin.

Creating The Scene

Now, I know this may be something difficult for some people. But I'll simplify it. easily done. Take this example for notice.

''Renegade iz seen wlking dwn a hallway. he waits ther 4 sum tyme, b4 movin on.''

This sentence lacks proper grammar, and has repeatively, mis-spelt several words. Always check everythings spelt as it should be, rare mistakes are made. But there is an edit button located at the top right corner of your screen for a reason guys.
Also, it lacks description. You dont have to OVER detail it. But inputting reasonable amounts of description may make your peice of writing more interesting, if you make an effort to do all of this. It should sound anything similar to this.

''Renegade is seen pacing down the hallway briskly. He pauses for a moment, as some clearly audible sound shocks him, his facial expressions not showing it; but his instinctive movement suggested his startle to be true.''

You got it? Quick tip too. Don't add text language, we hate editing it for you. Very Happy

Moving on to something more... Important, that every Roleplay needs.


Saying things during an roleplay is important, mostlly. because you will always need to say something, since its about you. even if your characters silent... others may need to speak. The capability to do as such is crucial. which is why Im running this down with you, now. Heres an example of what im seeing as of late.

cristiano renegade: I am going to bet you tonight, you think you will win? meet me in the ring and we will see who is right.

Now. I can analyse heaps of incorrect things in all of this. First off, the name hasnt been capitialised. Now in general english rule. All names/places, etc. have capitals. Also, Some improper grammar is placed. Capital letters are only supposed to be used for a title name, someone's(or yours) name, After full stops, question marks, and/or explamation marks.
Now, after that has done. Your probably going to ask. well, Christiano, how DO I make it longer? ive stated EVERYTHING.
Well, technically. Yes, you have.
HOWEVER, You can drag it on. You know.. say why this is going to happen, when its going to happen... How its going to happen. etc etc.
Like This.

Christiano Renegade: I am going to beat you tonight, plain and simple. Lets face it, Ive beaten you three times. What's the point? Its only another testimate to fail for you. Its happened 3 times already John. Kick, 1..2..3. Your honestly asking for it, but. I suppose you just want to get in the ring with me.. haha, I accept. Just dont go depressed when the record is risen to 4.

See how thats much longer? WITH more detail, thats what Me,Tommy,Trevor, And heaps of people are looking for.

Even I do, you never know if something doesnt make sense. And If we Unintentionally segment it in a live show, our ratings wont be as good as what they might've been

I hope this has helped.

Yours Sincerely WWS.

- Christiano Renegade. Cool

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PostSubject: Re: Renegade's Riveting Tips.   Renegade's Riveting Tips. I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 12, 2010 10:06 am

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