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World Wrestling Society

The International fed is in Season 2. It is run by Trevor Goodnight and Tommy Mcgee!
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----------- Wednesday Night Antics (minor) airs Wednesdays at 23:55 TWG server time. Sunday Night Evolution (major) airs Sundays at 23:55 TWG server time. -----------
Path For Glory (WWS's second PPV) airs Sunday: December 5, 2010 at 23:55 TWG server time.


 Dark Lords Know How To Party!!

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Trevor Goodnight
Wrestling God
Wrestling God
Trevor Goodnight

Posts : 1067
Reputation : 3
Join date : 2010-08-19
Age : 31
Location : Pennsylvania

Dark Lords Know How To Party!! Empty
PostSubject: Dark Lords Know How To Party!!   Dark Lords Know How To Party!! I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 23, 2010 8:36 pm

It's wayy old, but it's still awesome!


Trevor Goodnight wrote:
The camera is showing Trevor Goodnight, Kevin Zulli, Havoc Maker, and The Bouncer walking into a bar with fat wallets. Trevor Goodnight sits down next to Havoc and Bouncer as Zulli sits on the end next to Bouncer.

Trevor Goodnight: Give me a Vodka Martini.

Bartender: Well, that is one of the strongest drinks we have, are you sure you don't want to start off with something different?

The Bouncer: Bro, tonight's a big night, I'd get something lighter..

Trevor Goodnight: Alriiiiight, just get me a martini then.

Bartender: What kind?

Trevor Goodnight: I don't care. Just get me a light one.

Bartender: Oh, okay. How about you, sir?

OOC: HM, TB, KZ, one of you, continue. =]

kschaef wrote:
Kevin: Give me any kind of beer I'm just a little thirsty.

Kevin looks at the dark lords.

Kevin: Did you guys know the first Tuesday will be my anniversary of debuting in Gpwa.

Bartender: Here our your drinks

Havoc Maker wrote:
Havoc: HAHA sucks to be you guys and have matches. Bartender i want a shot of patron and also a captain and coke.

Havoc throws a twenty dollar bill on the bar.

Havoc: keep the change, and hurry the hell up.

Bartender: Here you go sir.

Havoc downs the shot and then lights a cigarette.

The Bouncer wrote:
The Bouncer: IT DOESN'T SUCK, THIS IS A HUGE SHOW RETARD!!!!!!!!!! Bartender, get me the strongest alcoholic drink that won't get me buzzed.

Bartender: Water coming up.

The Bouncer: DOES WATER HAVE ALCOHOL? Do you work for Sony? Damn boy you need to get your head in the game and GIVE ME THE DRINK I WANT.

Bartender gives The Bouncer wine.


Trevor Goodnight wrote:
Trevor holds Bouncer back

Trevor Goodnight: Come on, Bouncer! Save the anger for the ring, this is the time for relaxing. Let's just kick back, have a few beers, and discuss what a huge night this is for not only the DLs, but for GPWA! We are going to make history tonight, boys...

Trevor chugs the whole martini as he is a little dazed, he stares over at Havoc Maker

Trevor Goodnight: ..And HOW DARE YOU?! This is the biggest night of my career! This does NOT suck! Does anyone have 50 cents?

Havoc Maker hands Trevor 50 cents as Trevor goes over and slides the coins into the slots. He begins playing Pac-Man on a video game machine.

The Bouncer wrote:
The Bouncer sees a blonde woman walk in.

The Bouncer: Hey that is my wife.

She sees him and walks over.

The Bouncer: This is 1/9 of the love of my life. She is #1 on my list, this is Natalya!

Natalya: Hey.

The Bouncer: Hey Natalya, wanna "warm me up" for my match in my office when we are finished here?

Natalya: Sure. I will be there waiting.

She leaves.

The Bouncer: SWEET!

Trevor Goodnight wrote:
You hear Trevor Goodnight screaming in the background..


Trevor Goodnight kicks the machine as the whole bar is staring at him like he's completely whacked. He comes back to his seat pissed off. He pounds the table and demands the waiter give him another martini.

Trevor Goodnight: That game was rigged.

Havoc Maker wrote:
Havoc: HAHA you suck at shooting hoops and pac man.

Havoc finishes off his captain and coke.

Havoc: Hmmmm you know ive never had a wrestle fest match and im the best damn thing.

Havoc starts to get mad.

Havoc: Bartender i need a 2 bottles of beer.

Bartender hands Havoc the beers

Bartender: Here is your beer you ass hole.

Havoc walks over to and empty table and dumps the beer on it and takes a drink out of the other.

Havoc: Trevor hold my beer and watch this.

Havoc lights the table on fire and then pulls the bartender over the bar and powerbombs him through the table

The bartender is engulfed in flames

Havoc sits back down and takes his beer

Havoc: I hate stupid people who mess with the Dark Lords.

Havoc Maker wrote:
A phone rings

Havoc answers his phone

Havoc: What it be.

Havoc gets a big grin on his face

Havoc: Sweet ok thanks later *censored*

Havoc hangs up the phone

Havoc: Hell ya i have a match tonight, good thing i didnt drink to much.

Havoc High fives TB, Trevor, and Kevin

Trevor Goodnight wrote:
Trevor Goodnight: Damn Havoc!! That was badass..

Trevor lights a cigarette and takes a puff out of it. He pulls a lead pipe out of his pocket and starts beating the Pac-Man machine. He demolishes it to pieces as the screen shatters into tiny pieces.

Trevor Goodnight: Havoc, you know what I've learned, if you can't beat it, destroy it.

Trevor Goodnight hands the pipe to Havoc. Havoc Maker starts pounding on the unconscious Bartender as a bunch of screaming drunk guys run out for their lives. Havoc keeps bashing the Bartender until his face is completely scarred. Kevin Zulli pulls Havoc off.


Havoc Maker hands the pipe to Kevin Zulli as Zulli climbs over the counter and starts bashing all of the drinks. Glass shatters all over as the drinks spill everywhere. Kevin grabs two bottles of beer and chugs them both down like water. He then continues smashing all of the beer hanging on the wall.

The Bouncer: WAIT! Kevin! I have an idea! Stop!

The Bouncer runs out to his limousine and grabs a blue gym bag that has DARK LORDS printed on it. He unzips the bag and puts it on the counter. He hops over standing next to Kevin Zulli as Havoc Maker and Trevor Goodnight watch on.

The Bouncer: Okay here's the plan. Kevin and I will load as much alcohol as we can into this bag, Trevor, Havoc, be the watch-outs. Holler if the cops are comin'.

Kevin Zulli: Good Idea, bro..

They start piling the alcohol into the bag. It's almost loaded. Suddenly, you can hear siren lights throughout the city. The cops are on their way.

Trevor Goodnight: HURRY! They're coming!

Trevor takes another puff of smoke as he walks outside to the limo with The Bouncer and Kevin Zulli. They pile the bag into the trunk as Havoc Maker is still inside. He found a can of gasoline and begins pouring it all over everything. Everything inside the place is soaked in gasoline. He walks outside with the others then signals to Trevor.

Havoc Maker: Bro, you know what to do now.

Trevor takes his last puff of smoke as he stares at the bar they were just drinking at ten minutes ago. He takes the cigarette out of his mouth as he flings it into the building. The whole bar is engulfed in flames.

Trevor Goodnight: You boys ready to get back to the arena?

The Bouncer: Holy ... man! That was *CENSORED* badass!! Let's get outta here!!

Kevin Zulli: This is the best night ever!!!

Havoc Maker: That one's a beauty! Dark Lords, let's go!

Havoc Maker hops into the back of the limousine followed by The Bouncer, Trevor Goodnight, and Kevin Zulli.

The Bouncer: Driver, take us to the arena.

Driver: You got it..

The limousine pulls away as the cops arrive surrounding the bar. The DLs look back with no regrets.


The camera shows the four all laughing as it fades slowly away.
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