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World Wrestling Society

The International fed is in Season 2. It is run by Trevor Goodnight and Tommy Mcgee!
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----------- Wednesday Night Antics (minor) airs Wednesdays at 23:55 TWG server time. Sunday Night Evolution (major) airs Sundays at 23:55 TWG server time. -----------
Path For Glory (WWS's second PPV) airs Sunday: December 5, 2010 at 23:55 TWG server time.


 After The Bell

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Jim Rival
Jim Rival

Posts : 4
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Join date : 2010-11-22
Age : 42
Location : Lehigh Acres, Florida

After The Bell Empty
PostSubject: After The Bell   After The Bell I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 25, 2010 12:06 pm

Jim walked over to ringside and climbed out, snatching the mic out of the ring announcer's hand and a steel chair. Sliding the chair into the ring first he climbed back in through the middle ropes, running and giving Dartanain a vicious boot to the side of the head to keep him down on the mat before speaking.

Jim Rival: I came here looking for a challenge, I came here told I will be going against people who would test my skills and give me a run for my money. What do I get?

Jim walks back over to Dartanain, stomping him repeatedly as he yelled 'What is this?' into the mic and backing away after seeing he busted Dartanain open even more. Smiling he shook his head, looking back at the crowd as he the boos and jeers began to set in.

Jim Rival:It is already damn obvious I deserve gold around my waist and I don't appreciate people wasting my-

Jim cut off mid sentence, giving another brutal kick to the head to Dartanain and yelling at him.

Jim Rival:Don't you move a damn inch, I am not done with you yet.

With that Jim move back to the center of the ring and picked up the steel chair.

Jim Rival: Like I said before I was so rudely interrupted. I do not appreciate people wasting my time, so until I get the gold I know as well as everyone else in this building knows I deserve I will start making a 'strong point' as to why I do besides the obvious reason of me being able to put asses in all these seats.

With that Jim dropped the mic, walking over to Dartanain and hitting him with a VICIOUS chair shot and dragging him to the middle of the ring. Laying the chair in a certain spot on the canvas he made a small notion about signaling the end.

Jim Rival sets Dartanain in a reverse DDT and lifts them up halfway into the air
before twisting Dartanain over his head and slamming them face first into the steel chair executing a LEGENDARY Zero Signal!

Jim got up after it was all said and done, a smile on his face as his entrance music played while he exited the ring and made his way back up the ramp.
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