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World Wrestling Society

The International fed is in Season 2. It is run by Trevor Goodnight and Tommy Mcgee!
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----------- Wednesday Night Antics (minor) airs Wednesdays at 23:55 TWG server time. Sunday Night Evolution (major) airs Sundays at 23:55 TWG server time. -----------
Path For Glory (WWS's second PPV) airs Sunday: December 5, 2010 at 23:55 TWG server time.


 A Message to Pate

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Deacon Crowley

Posts : 3
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Join date : 2010-11-12

A Message to Pate  Empty
PostSubject: A Message to Pate    A Message to Pate  I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 8:00 am

--A video feed interupts the announcers as they were talking about the previous match.
The video begins on a cold rainy street.
Cars staggering to and fro.
Taking their owners to their jobs, and about their daily chores.
There is only the sound of the traffic as the camera waits.
Finally a man leaves the hotel.
He is recognizeable as WWS wrestler Pate.
As Pate hails a taxi the roar of the engine comes to life.
The camera begins moving following Pates Taxi.--

A familiar Voice: I'm watching you Pate.

--The camera let's Pate out in front of a shopping mall.
He slowly stops as if he feels the camera following him.
Reluctantly Pate enters the mall.
The camera goes blank for a moment.--

A familiar Voice: Do you feel me watching you Pate?
Do you know I am coming closer to you than you would ever suspect?

--The camera comes back on as Pate shows he is clothing literate.
He is taking stylish clothing off the racks and heads towards the dressing rooms.
The camera waits as he tries on the shirts.
He comes out and gets several nods of approval.--

A familiar Voice: I see the ladies like the way you look.
Just more smut on your soul.
The flesh will rot your soul Pate.

--Pate buys four shirts and eight pairs of pants.
He is flirting with the women behind the counters confirming what the voice says.
The camera shifts as the man holding maneuvers slightly to avoid detection.
Pate mosies for lack of a better word out of the store and back out.
As the man with the camera creeps ever nearer.
Pate hails another taxi and the camera goes dark again.--

A familiar Voice: Where oh where are you off to Pate?
You dazzle and leave.
Pate do you know what type of trouble you are in?
I doubt you do.
Pate I will cleanse your soul of the taint you just added.

--The camera turns back on in a gym.
Pate is shown doing light cardio.
Stretching, jogging, and barely jump roping.
Pate purposely avoids the weights.--

A familiar Voice: You can't avoid the heavy things forever Pate.
You can't avoid the things that make you into a sculpture instead of the clay.
You can't jog your problems away.

--Pate makes his way to the showers.
Little beads of sweat trickling down his neck.
He looks like he just ran a marathon, but he had not.
Once in the locker room Pate grabs his towel and leaves his locker open.
Pate vanishes from view.
The man with the camera goes up to his locker and begins shuffling through it.
The clothing Pate bought.
Some girly magazines.
Some hair product.

A familiar Voice: Unpure soul and unpure flesh.
Pills even the slightest pill weakens your body.
I will show you what purity can do.

--The camera shows Pate in a towel as he comes back into the locker room.
He notices that his magazines and aspirin are gone.
He looks left.
He looks right.
He can't see anything out of the ordinary.
The camera cuts out momentarily.
When it comes back up Pate is fully dressed and is headed for the doors of the gym.
The camera shuffles around and reveals Deacon Crowley.--

Deacon: Pate I will purify you tonight.
Heed me and prepare.
Purity will sting.
It will burn, and it will concuss.
Pate I will cleanse you of your evils.

--The camera returns to the announcers--
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