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World Wrestling Society

The International fed is in Season 2. It is run by Trevor Goodnight and Tommy Mcgee!
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----------- Wednesday Night Antics (minor) airs Wednesdays at 23:55 TWG server time. Sunday Night Evolution (major) airs Sundays at 23:55 TWG server time. -----------
Path For Glory (WWS's second PPV) airs Sunday: December 5, 2010 at 23:55 TWG server time.


 Who was the MASK MAN

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Fyrst Ayd
FCW Talent
FCW Talent
Fyrst Ayd

Posts : 51
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Join date : 2010-09-20
Age : 34

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PostSubject: Who was the MASK MAN   Who was the MASK MAN I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 18, 2010 10:13 am

Christiano is seen at the snack table but not in a good mood. The crowd wonders why he is here on SNE. All of a sudden you see Fyrst Ayd walkin down to the snack table with a orange bat in his hand. When Fyrst Ayd sees Christiano he starts to laugh but he begins to speak.

Fyrst Ayd:Boy that was funny on WNA a couple days ago,I wonder who was the masked man because whoever it was he cheated you out of your match last week. You can say it was me for getting back at you for beating me. Maybe it was me Christiano,or maybe it wasn't.

Fyrst Ayd takes an apple an bites it.

Fyrst Ayd:Now I woudn't be wondering about what happen on SNA because you have a bigger problem on your hands,you got the Dark Lords tonight. The Dark Lords wasn't victorious on WNA but tonight they will be tonight. Don't worry Christiano it will be impossible for the masked man to appear in your match tonight. Who do you think it was Christiano,who do you think caused you your match?
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PostSubject: Re: Who was the MASK MAN   Who was the MASK MAN I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 18, 2010 11:25 am

Christiano remains silent before chuckling towards himself. Abruptly, he stops laughing. Silently looking at Ayd. Before glancing over his shoulder, noticing no one else was present in the room at the time. He then looks back, Leaning on his chair he sighs. Shaking his head inconsequentially.

Christiano Renegade: Ayd, listen closely. It.Doesnt.Matter.

The crowd roars with cheers at Fyrst Ayd's priceless facial reaction, before calming down as Renegade continues.

Christiano Renegade: Weither or weither not it was you. Doesnt matter, because Ayd. I dont honestly care about this as much. It was a fairly even contest. Im happy for Tommy..

Christiano angrily stares at Ayd. His sudden morale changing instantly.

Christiano Renegade: And here you come, rubbing salt in the wounds. Ayd, you really shouldn't be basking up me. I know your just as curious as I am.

Christiano takes a small sip from his water canteen, before placing it back down, Standing up to go eye to eye With Ayd. Although Renegade is slightly shorter.

Christiano Renegade: But curiousity. Killed. The cat. Im not seeking through this anymore then it needs to go. You want my opinion? I'll tell you what I think.

Christiano pauses for a moment, before continuing.

Christiano Renegade: I actually am not THAT upset about it. Considering you in mind sight, Im handling this dilemma quite well. Although it does agitate me to see people speculating at me, and so on..

Christiano stops for a second, looking towards the live television set hanged percuriously on the ceiling; Showing the replay of the controversiality the took place.

Christiano Renegade: But the past remains. Im focusing on now. Tonight, I team With Tommy, to take on the self procaliamed representatives of the Dark Lords. I dont know a lot from you two. But what I can tell you.. Is this much..

Renegade sits back down, seemingly calm and collected.

Christiano Renegade: I understand that your capabilities in this industry are unlimited. However, don't under estimate me. Nor Tommy for that matter. Because, Yeah. Indeed, you could win.. But Don't expect it to be a walk in the park. I promise you It wont.
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Fyrst Ayd
FCW Talent
FCW Talent
Fyrst Ayd

Posts : 51
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Join date : 2010-09-20
Age : 34

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PostSubject: Re: Who was the MASK MAN   Who was the MASK MAN I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 18, 2010 11:43 am

Fyrst Ayd lifts his bat on his shoulder grisp it tightly and begins to speak.

Fyrst Ayd:Bravo Christiano,your gonna put all this behind you. You must not wanted that title as bad,because ill be furious if someone came in between me and my title. You may be right this might not be a walk in the park,but I no one thing you better be paying attention in this match because you might see a bat go across your freaking face!.

Fyrst Ayd gets in Christiano face then takes a bite out of his apple. Fyrst Ayd says a couple more words.

Fyrst Ayd:Oh its real.....its damn real

Fyrst Ayd takes a few steps back and then goes to his locker room to get ready for the match.
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Who was the MASK MAN Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who was the MASK MAN   Who was the MASK MAN I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 18, 2010 1:27 pm

Christiano calls Ayd's name as he turns his head back towards him reluctantly. Renegade smiles disagreeingly.

Christiano Renegade: 'Its damn real?' haha.. Nice.. Catchphrase..

Renegade chuckles to himself quietly as he adjusts his position in his chair.

Christiano Renegade: I hope your not intending to use that bas as a solitary weapon in our match tonight.

Christiano ponders about this before clicking his two fingers, searching through his training bag. The crowd and Fyrst Ayd wait in suspense as He pulls out a rather long bamboo stick.

Christiano Renegade: If your so called bat is allowed to escort you and Krusher to the ring.. Then why can't my trusted implicant join the altercation. Im sure this should spice the dramaticy.

Ayd clicks his lips in disapproval as he walks away silently. Christiano smile is shown faintly as the camera fades out.
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PostSubject: Re: Who was the MASK MAN   Who was the MASK MAN I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 3:09 am

Tommy McGee slowly walks into the scene with a furious face, he breathes heavily

Tommy McGee: Guys, I am FURIOUS about what happened on WNA!

Tommy McGee: Christiano and I are somewhat... friends. But me and you Ayd... Its a entirely new story.

Tommy McGee: Now, I am going to get to the bottom of this situation, right now...

Tommy McGee's theme music is heard playing throughout the arena, he nods politely towards Christiano and stares deep into Ayd's eyes before leaving
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