World Wrestling Society
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World Wrestling Society

The International fed is in Season 2. It is run by Trevor Goodnight and Tommy Mcgee!
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----------- Wednesday Night Antics (minor) airs Wednesdays at 23:55 TWG server time. Sunday Night Evolution (major) airs Sundays at 23:55 TWG server time. -----------
Path For Glory (WWS's second PPV) airs Sunday: December 5, 2010 at 23:55 TWG server time.


 Fore Shadowing.

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Deacon Crowley

Posts : 3
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Join date : 2010-11-12

Fore Shadowing. Empty
PostSubject: Fore Shadowing.   Fore Shadowing. I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 15, 2010 6:11 am

--The camera transitions flawlessly to Las Vegas, Nevada from a topographic view point.
Las Vegas Boulevard also known as the strip is laden with traffic.
Break lights adding to the perpetual neon dusk that is the city at night.--

Unknown Voice: This is my city.

--The camera pans down into the warm winter night.
Traveling over the strip the neon signs blurring.
The Bellagio, the MGM, The giant Coca Cola bottle, The Mirage...--

Unknown Voice: Drunkards, violence, thieves, and worst of all tourists...

--The camera veers off the heavely trotted path of the strip.
A sign declares it Freemont Street. It weaves past Hogs and Heffers.
It blows by Finnigans Irish pub and restaurant.
The deeper onto Freemont Street the camera goes the more people are to be found.--

Unknown Voice: Turn on the lights and people will come.
Moths to the sinful flame of the flesh.
Bees to the hive of deciet and trickery.

--The camera is under the Freemont Street experience now.
The camera fixing on people as they stair up into the neon abyss.--

Unknown Voice: Flashing lights and they become numb of mind, and easily herded.
The city's poison pushes deeper.
It is much more thorough than this.

--The camera pushes on to a new street.
Main Street.
The Tropicana, The El Cortez, and many other old time establishments have decayed.
Soured by the lack of tourists with their hard earned money.--

Unknown Voice: This is Las Vegas.
This is the core of my city.
The stench of urine, the homeless beggars laying or huddling in the corners.
The scent of alchohol almost thick enough to light with a match.

--The camera pans upwards.
To the sprawling casino sign of the El Cortez.
The dirty ledges covered in bird droppings.
But for one ledge their appears to be a gargoyle.
A spot light hits it square, and it isn't a gargoyle.
It is a man.
He looks into the camera and speaks.--

Unknown Man: The city will never change.
I am but one man.
I must turn my back on my city.
I must use my strength to cleanse The World Wrestling Society.
I am Deacon Crowley.

--The camera begins free falling toward street level.
Suddenly going dark as the camera assumedly combusted upon impact.--
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