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World Wrestling Society

The International fed is in Season 2. It is run by Trevor Goodnight and Tommy Mcgee!
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----------- Wednesday Night Antics (minor) airs Wednesdays at 23:55 TWG server time. Sunday Night Evolution (major) airs Sundays at 23:55 TWG server time. -----------
Path For Glory (WWS's second PPV) airs Sunday: December 5, 2010 at 23:55 TWG server time.


 There's opinions... But then there's over confidence.

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Fucking Shit.
There's opinions... But then there's over confidence. I_vote_lcap17%There's opinions... But then there's over confidence. I_vote_rcap
 17% [ 1 ]
There's opinions... But then there's over confidence. I_vote_lcap33%There's opinions... But then there's over confidence. I_vote_rcap
 33% [ 2 ]
There's opinions... But then there's over confidence. I_vote_lcap17%There's opinions... But then there's over confidence. I_vote_rcap
 17% [ 1 ]
There's opinions... But then there's over confidence. I_vote_lcap0%There's opinions... But then there's over confidence. I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Fucking 5 year olds work much.
There's opinions... But then there's over confidence. I_vote_lcap33%There's opinions... But then there's over confidence. I_vote_rcap
 33% [ 2 ]
Total Votes : 6


There's opinions... But then there's over confidence. Empty
PostSubject: There's opinions... But then there's over confidence.   There's opinions... But then there's over confidence. I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 14, 2010 9:53 am

The camera's view is shown scanning the backstage area, zooming in on technical producers discussing entrance layouts as well as other WNA superstars are seen mingling with the female personnel of the WWS management team. One being Rosa Angel, asking directions for the next interviewee. After realising the camera was located on her, she stances herself to begin the introduction of the segment, raising the portable microphone to her mouth, speaking before hand.

Rosa Angel: Good evening ladies and gentlement in attendence tonight. Im Rosa Angel, and currently.. Us; The interviewing team.. are having a very difficult time tracking Christiano Renegade since his last match..

Rosa glances behind her, looking down both ends of the intersected hallway, before turning back to face the camera once more.

Rosa Angel: So, were going through to have a look for him.. Lets get going.

After saying her final statement towards the camera, she takes a crumpled piece of small paper from her pockets unfolding it to reveal unlegible hand writting; Commenly suspected to be the writing of the superstar she was talking to previously. After squinting her eyes to read the directions, she heads off left down the hallway vertically without another moments notice. The camera automatically follows, as if no ones operating it. Rosa is seen jogging now, keeping her pace, she takes a glance at every door she crosses by. Each one stating a designated area for the WWS management personnel. One door came by that the camera took more of a notice to pan. -Tommy McGee's Office- , Rosa didnt bother even hesistating at that door, as she ran all the way to a familiar dead end. Turning right she came to a door, that was so stretched out into the corridor, that she almost collided with it. The camera soon finally came closer to Angel's postition showing the door fully now. - (WWS) WNA Superstar Training Room. (SNE Superstars And/Or Management Are Unauthorised To Enter Upon Unpermission) -
Rosa pants softly before regaining her proper breathing pace.

Rosa Angel: According to my sources.. this should be it..

Before opening the door, she was startled by the sudden grunting and echoing hit sounds eminating from the room. She was frettful to open the door at first, until she regained her confidence and swung the door open. In the room, the camera was the first to cover the scene. Christiano Renegade is seen topless and consistently sweating punching and kicking a rock solid boxing bag, making extremely swift movements and corkscrew manouvers, Rosa dropped her microphone showing impressive emotions, but amazed; Almost mixed. Christiano, immediately then noticed Rosa's appearence as he finishes his final kick, breaking the bag in half and crashing on the ground with a piercing thunder of a noise. He grabs a towel and wraps it around his head weakly, being cautious of his weak blood circulation from excercising. He approaches Rosa and lightly kisses her on the cheek before proceeding to the weight lifting section.

Christiano Renegade: Hey Rosa, you look tensed. Relax! Take a seat, I know your here for an interview so.. Fire away.

Christiano starts lifting the heaviest singular arm weight automatically flexing continuiously, waiting for Rosa's reply.

Rosa Angel: Alright then. After hearing Fyrst Ayd's opinions on your match last week, how do you think the tag team contest between you and him will work out? Especially after finding out Tommy McGee's your tag team partner? That could spark some intrests, also.. your opinions on Kevin Krusher?

Renegade stops the consistent flexing with his weights, places them down back in their holders before answering the question.

Christiano Renegade: Well.. I find the concept of it all interesting. Although, I do think everyone is entitled to their own personal opinions. Ayd, I admit it was a tough match.. and partially, I agree with him. Next time wont be the same, he could win.. I could win again... Disqualifications..Count outs.. Anythings possible. I just want to have the opportunity to verse him again, I truely believe our last match was something amazing.

Renegade lies down to proceed onto the upper body strength unit.

Christiano Renegade: As for Tommy McGee.. Well, I suppose I shouldn't complain.. Because at the end of it all.. He beat be, he was the one who got the pinfall. So, I suppose in my mind.. He IS the champion. I dont mind tagging with him, No issues what so ever. I just suppose Ill envy from a distance.

Rosa was about to cut off Renegade but she couldn't remember her statement, so she remained mute and listenitive.

Christiano Renegade: As for that Kevin Krusher dude... Well, to be honest with you babe.. I have no clue what to expect from him. I can tell that he is a VERY talented athelete.. But I can't identify his fighting style until its too late in the ring. Haha, I expect a great match out of this.. So Im training for it. Just in case..

Rosa blushes at the slight showage of his smile, before asking the next question.

Rosa Angel: Do you expect this match to be an easily calculable win?

Christiano stops in mid air of his lift, before placing it back down slowly.

Christiano Renegade: Well. I dont expect to win this one actually.. The pyschological pressure of them being undefeated in tag team competition suggests that I wil probably not do as good as expected. But i'll try..

Rosa note takes all that has been said before standing up from her previously sitted position.

Rosa Angel: Thanks for your time Chris, we'll be on our way..

Christiano sits up slowly, and gestures for a hug. Rosa immediately follows towards his direction and throws her arms around his neck, kissing him. As the camera begins to fade out.

Michael Buban: Sigh... They do this EVERYTIME.

Bret Benjamin: Im sensing jealousy.

Michael Buban: ...
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There's opinions... But then there's over confidence.
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