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World Wrestling Society

The International fed is in Season 2. It is run by Trevor Goodnight and Tommy Mcgee!
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----------- Wednesday Night Antics (minor) airs Wednesdays at 23:55 TWG server time. Sunday Night Evolution (major) airs Sundays at 23:55 TWG server time. -----------
Path For Glory (WWS's second PPV) airs Sunday: December 5, 2010 at 23:55 TWG server time.


 WWS Icons talks to the GM

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Fyrst Ayd
FCW Talent
FCW Talent
Fyrst Ayd

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Join date : 2010-09-20
Age : 34

WWS Icons talks to the GM Empty
PostSubject: WWS Icons talks to the GM   WWS Icons talks to the GM I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 13, 2010 11:09 pm

The WWS Icons are seen walking towards the GM office,Fyrst dressed in all black,his shirt and pants say WWS Icons with a black bandana on,while Kevin Crusher has the same but dressed in all white. They walked in the office without knocking and begins to speak.

Fyrst Ayd:Tommy,Tommy,Tommy. I bet your happy that the rookie beat me,your happy because you don't have to face me. Well that win he got last week was absolute luck,trust me that will never happen again.

Kevin Crusher:If the ref didnt end my match into a draw I would have won that and you no it,but that was last week and this is this week.

Fyrst Ayd:With that being said were here to tell you that we want a tag match tonight. After all we are undefeated in tag matches here at WWS,and the crowd wants to see the WWS Icons get in the picture of the tag team titles.

Kevin Crusher:You don't wanna dissapoint the crowd do you,and if you do decide to put us in a tag match I want you to put Jim Cornette in the match because I wanna prove to the world that hes not in my league

Fyrst Ayd:So what do you say Tommy,you gonna give the crowd what they want.

Tommy sits down in his chair puts his feet on the desk and thinks about his decision on what he should do.

Fyrst Ayd:Make your decision wisley,I no you saw what we did,The Dark Lords,to Trever.

After that being said he really begins to think.

Last edited by Fyrst Ayd on Sun Nov 14, 2010 4:03 am; edited 1 time in total
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GM The Bouncer
Royal Rumble Winner
Royal Rumble Winner
GM The Bouncer

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WWS Icons talks to the GM Empty
PostSubject: Re: WWS Icons talks to the GM   WWS Icons talks to the GM I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 14, 2010 12:27 am

why does the "S" get lowercased in ur title? is the Society inferior to Wrestling and World? SCREW U FOR NOT APPRECIATING ALL THAT CF HAS DONE FOR U. SEE WAT TOMMY HAS DONE? FIRE TOMMY OR ELSE MORE OF THIS DISRESPECT WILL HAPPEN.
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Fyrst Ayd
FCW Talent
FCW Talent
Fyrst Ayd

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Join date : 2010-09-20
Age : 34

WWS Icons talks to the GM Empty
PostSubject: Re: WWS Icons talks to the GM   WWS Icons talks to the GM I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 14, 2010 4:03 am

It was a accident Bouncer,calm down...besides Tommy is very appreciated here at WWS for all his work.......THX TOMMY
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WWS Icons talks to the GM Empty
PostSubject: Re: WWS Icons talks to the GM   WWS Icons talks to the GM I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 14, 2010 4:58 am

After thinking for a moderate amount of time, Tommy McGee opens his mouth, Fyrst Ayd and Kevin Crusher are prepared to hear what he has to say...

Tommy McGee: I respect you two... I respect the fact that you can barge into you're bosses office and basically, DEMAND something...

Tommy McGee: In the past weeks I have pulled out all the stops to make sure WWS does not get lost in a giant flood of "Other Show Ratings"... We are doing quite well...

Fyrst Ayd waits in-patiently, twidling his thumbs and stepping side to side

Tommy McGee: This match WILL happen... It is going to be, Kevin Crusher & Fyrst Ayd, The Icons, Against...

Fyrst Ayd and Kevin Crusher wait excitedly

Tommy McGee: Against, Tommy McGee and Christiano Renegade!

The crowd bursts into an explosive cheer Fyrst Ayd and Kevin Crusher jump around the office screaming "What?!"

Tommy McGee: Gear up boys...

Kevin Crusher and Fyrst Ayd leave Tommy McGee's office
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PostSubject: Re: WWS Icons talks to the GM   WWS Icons talks to the GM I_icon_minitime

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