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World Wrestling Society

The International fed is in Season 2. It is run by Trevor Goodnight and Tommy Mcgee!
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----------- Wednesday Night Antics (minor) airs Wednesdays at 23:55 TWG server time. Sunday Night Evolution (major) airs Sundays at 23:55 TWG server time. -----------
Path For Glory (WWS's second PPV) airs Sunday: December 5, 2010 at 23:55 TWG server time.


 Deacon Crowley

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Deacon Crowley

Posts : 3
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2010-11-12

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PostSubject: Deacon Crowley    Deacon Crowley  I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 12, 2010 7:47 am

Name: Deacon Crowley
Age: 24
Build: Strength
Level: 6
Fans: 20
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 248lbs
Heel/Face: Tweener
Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada
Tag Team: N/A
Favorite Match Type: First Blood.
Nickname: The Dark Knight Crowley
Music: Crimson King by Demons and Wizards
Tag Line: There's No Way Like the Crowley Way!
[img]Deacon Crowley  Night-10[/img]

Bio: The second born son of the allustrious Crowley family; Deacon is a power house. Deacon was once a long haired dark savior type for one Charity Devine. Once he realized that she due to misuse of their former boss had turned Deacon into a horrible real life variation of Bane from Batman and Robin. No brains just brawn and brutality. Deacon Crowley eventually put in his notice with the company and changed his wrestling attire down to giving himself a hair cut. His new wrestling attire resembles that of a renagade an anti hero from a DC comic book Night Wing.

After doing this a man named Trevor Goodnight cornered Deacon in his indy locker room. Trevor slammed a WWS Contract against Deacons locker. An industrial strength magnet holding it in place. Trevor walked away, but before he left he said one sentence.

"You won't be missused with us."

Deacon Crowley was sold. He's now the newest member of the World Wrestling Society. He's here and all will learn there is no way like the crolwey way.
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