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World Wrestling Society

The International fed is in Season 2. It is run by Trevor Goodnight and Tommy Mcgee!
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----------- Wednesday Night Antics (minor) airs Wednesdays at 23:55 TWG server time. Sunday Night Evolution (major) airs Sundays at 23:55 TWG server time. -----------
Path For Glory (WWS's second PPV) airs Sunday: December 5, 2010 at 23:55 TWG server time.


 Change of Fate

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Mr. Taker
Mr. Taker

Posts : 25
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Join date : 2010-08-19

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PostSubject: Change of Fate   Change of Fate I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 10, 2010 3:24 pm

A camera men enters the room as he enters he sees Taker and his trainer talking to each other the trainer is holding a water bottle in his right hand as Taker is holding a beer can in his left hand the camera man leaves the room and has the door opened by a crack catching everything Taker and the trainer talks about

Mr.Taker:So what should I do in my match trainer?

The trainer looks at him with a unhappy face and says

Trainer:What I want you to do Taker is stop with all your blood crap and great a good reaction by the fans cause im tired of seeing you get booed now I trained you better then this now Taker you need to get this straight now if you don't start rising your popularity then you know for a fact Trevor will fire you so impress me in your match and make these fans stop hating you and let them start loving you

Taker looks at his trainer with no expression on his face then he drinks the rest of his beer and looks at the table while he sets his empty beer bottle on a table near by then he looks at his trainer and says

Mr.Taker: You got guts saying all that to me but what I need to tell you is the reason why I do this stuff is because I feel like im nothing in this federation now there needs to be a change and I mean it all I always see is the big guys getting the spotlight and im tired of it If I get treated like I have been getting treated the past two weeks then im gonna do something and it won't be pretty I'll make that a damn promise

Taker looks at his trainer with a very mad look then he picks up his metal pipe and breaks it in half and then Taker drops it on the ground he looks sad then he says

Mr.Taker:Im gonna miss that pipe but this show means more Im gonna change Im gonna be the star that everyone has been waiting for on SNA Im gonna steal that spotlight and I'll be Mr.Taker who saved SNA from being destroyed I promise

The trainer looks happy and glad he looks at Taker with a great smile and tells him

Trainer: Now that's the the spirit im talking about!!!!!!! now I wanna see you win your match tonight and show the whole SNA Arena that your good and that your gonna kick ass

Taker smiles while he is walking toward the door and when he opens the door he sees the cameramen and tells him

Mr.Taker: Your just doing your job don't be scared I ain't gonna hurt you

The cameramen looks happily at Taker and Taker leaves down the hall and leaves with a perfect smile
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Mr. Taker
Mr. Taker

Posts : 25
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Join date : 2010-08-19

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PostSubject: Re: Change of Fate   Change of Fate I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 6:54 am

Off Topic: After my match If I win can you put this Rp on there

Taker looks at his opponent who is on the ground hurt unable to move Mr Taker then laughs and demands for a microphone the ring announcer enters the ring he looks at Taker with terrifying eyes and hands over the microphone and leaves the ring quickly Taker holds the microphone down in his right hand after ten seconds Taker raises the microphone near his mouth and says

Mr.Taker: No what im not the good guy im the bad guy whos gonna bring hell to SNA now my pipe is broken but that does not mean (Censored) I can't be fired if im doing a great job in this business so you all are nothing to me I don't need Havoc or my trainer or even you guys so treat me bad all you want because I know im awesome and evil without YOU!!!!!!!

Taker picks up is opponent Taker then Throws his opponent to the ropes
and does a powerful running spear executing a devastating King Of The Dead

Taker then looks down at his opponent then he looks at the crowd with a mean look and leaves the ring very slowly with a evil smirk on his face the whole arena boos Taker and some of the crowd are saying "You Suck" Taker gets to the entrance of the ramp and yells "Im A MONSTER!!! and he leaves the SNA arena
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